
A sample Rails 3 app using Transloadit, Paperclip and S3 to manage images

Primary LanguageRuby

A sample Rails 3 app using Transloadit, Paperclip and S3 to manage images.


- check out the project

- cp config/s3.yml.example config/s3.yml and add your Amazon credentials

- Goto https://transloadit.com/templates/add and put in something like this

  { "store":
      { "robot": "/s3/store"
      , "bucket": "transloadit-paperclip-example"
      , "path": "avatars/${unique_prefix}/original/${file.urlName}"
      , "secret": " YOUR-secRE/TACCe\ssKEy"

- save the template and copy the template id

- cp config/transloadit.yml.example config/transloadit.yml and add the template
  id you just created and your Auth Key found on this page

- add resizing examples
- add authentication