Computational archaeologist and research software engineer. Currently working on @xronos-ch and @archaeo-social.
University of CopenhagenDenmark
joeroe's Following
- ahb108University College London
- AlexanderWatzinger@acdh-oeaw
- andreatitoloUniversity of Turin
- apalmisano82University of Turin
- archaeo-socialSwitzerland
- archeofossItalia
- bischrobTempe, Arizona
- CAA-FranceFrance
- Charchaeology
- dainstBerlin, Germany
- dakni
- dirkseidenstickerGhent University
- dreocPurdue University
- elizabethastroudUniversity of Oxford
- felixriedeAarhus University
- florianthiery@leiza-rse
- hallvardbruvollUniversity of Oslo, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History
- Ironholds
- JesperBorrePedersenHeidelberg Academy of Sciences
- JGravierCNRS
- josephlewisCambridge, UK
- mikeldiazrodriguezUniversity of Santiago de Compostela
- mitchelloharawildNectric
- MoritzMennengaLower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research
- nmueller18
- pete-jacobssonBillens, Switzerland
- philririsLondon
- pyaworsky89
- rbbristowUniversity of Copenhagen
- renevoorburg
- scpederzaniSPATIAL lab, Gept. Geology & Geophysics, University of Utah
- shawngrahamCarleton University
- Swedish-Rock-Art-Research-Archives
- TJHeaton
- xronos-chSwitzerland
- xrubioUniversity of Barcelona