
This plugin feeds Joe Sandbox JSON reports automatically into Splunk

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Joe Sandbox Splunk Addon

This plugin feeds Joe Sandbox JSON reports automatically into Splunk.

Installation & Setup

  1. Download .tgz package
  2. Go to Splunk Home > Manage Apps (Apps Cog Icon) > Install app from File > Upload the downloaded File
  3. Go to Apps > Joe Sandbox Addon > Inputs > Create New Input
  4. Enter Name, Interval, Index, API URL, API KEY, Minimum Report ID, Small Report and click Add
  5. Go to Search and Report and Enter sourcetype=jbx to see downloaded reports.

Search Command Examples:

List all samples

sourcetype=jbx | table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id, fileinfo.md5, signaturedetections.strategy{}.detection

Search for sample based on md5, sha1, sha256 or sha512 hash

sourcetype=jbx | search "fileinfo.md5"=57e92a7ccfa4f741250afaf221d85cd6 | table fileinfo.filename
sourcetype=jbx | search "fileinfo.sha1"=5f64eabfda76c2140c114464b9842d1c60057060 | table fileinfo.filename
sourcetype=jbx | search "fileinfo.sha256"=6ceac0135811caae965f6f619bb3a5978051be3a200abd265d89589666361b09 | table fileinfo.filename
sourcetype=jbx | search "fileinfo.sha512"=2bbc9ea47be98866fca7ba0c961876977c25e215837c38789ee8f430172c965c462be1e89c230acc77abbe51d899dec375302fdb8b58dbddaec46ba8c4a6d3c6 | table fileinfo.filename

Search for dropped PE files

sourcetype=jbx | rename "droppedinfo.hash{}.@type" as dropped_type, "droppedinfo.hash{}.@file" as dropped_file, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(dropped_type,dropped_file, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval dropped_type=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval dropped_file=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search dropped_type="PE*" | table id, dropped_type, dropped_file

Search for dropped malicious files

sourcetype=jbx | rename "droppedinfo.hash{}.@malicious" as dropped_malicious, "droppedinfo.hash{}.@file" as dropped_file, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(dropped_malicious,dropped_file, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval dropped_malicious=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval dropped_file=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search dropped_malicious="true" | table id, dropped_file

Search for dropped files with a high entropy

sourcetype=jbx | rename "droppedinfo.hash{}.@entropy" as dropped_entropy, "droppedinfo.hash{}.@file" as dropped_file, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(dropped_entropy,dropped_file, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval dropped_entropy=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval dropped_file=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search dropped_entropy>6.9 | table id, dropped_file

List all connected IPs

sourcetype=jbx | table "ipinfo.ip{}.@ip" 

Search sample based on connected IP

sourcetype=jbx | search "ipinfo.ip{}.@ip"="" | table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

# Network TCP
sourcetype=jbx "behavior.network.tcp.packet{}.dstip"="" | table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

# Network UDP
sourcetype=jbx "behavior.network.udp.packet{}.dstip"="" | table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

# Network ICMP
sourcetype=jbx "behavior.network.icmp.packet{}.dstip"="" | table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

Search for malicious IPs

sourcetype=jbx | rename "ipinfo.ip{}.@malicious" as ip_malicious, "ipinfo.ip{}.@ip" as ip_value, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(ip_malicious,ip_value, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval ip_malicious=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval ip_value=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search ip_malicious="true" | table id, ip_value

Search for malicious IPs and list source process

sourcetype=jbx | rename "ipinfo.ip{}.@malicious" as ip_malicious, "ipinfo.ip{}.@currentpath" as ip_process, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(ip_malicious,ip_process, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval ip_malicious=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval ip_process=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search ip_malicious="true" | table id, ip_process

Search for sample based on URL

sourcetype=jbx | search "urlinfo.url{}.@name"="http://www.typography.net"| table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

Search for malicious URLs

sourcetype=jbx | rename "urlinfo.url{}.@malicious" as url_malicious, "urlinfo.url{}.@name" as url_value, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(url_malicious,url_value, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval url_malicious=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval url_value=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search url_malicious="true" | table id, url_value

Search for sample based on connected domain

sourcetype=jbx | search "domaininfo.domain{}.@name"="maxxflooring.company"| table fileinfo.filename, generalinfo.target.url, generalinfo.id

Search for malicious domains

sourcetype=jbx | rename "domaininfo.domain{}.@malicious" as domain_malicious, "domaininfo.domain{}.@name" as domain_value, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(domain_malicious,domain_value, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval domain_malicious=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval domain_value=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search domain_malicious="true" | table id, domain_value

Search for all samples with a valid PE certificate

sourcetype=jbx | search "fileinfo.pe.signature.sigvalid"="true"

Search for all samples with a given signature issuer of a PE certificate

sourcetype=jbx | search fileinfo.pe.signature.sigissuer="*digi*" | table fileinfo.pe.signature.sigissuer

Search for all samples documents which contain VBA code

sourcetype=jbx | search fileinfo.ole.olefile{}.overview.indicators.vbamacros="true" | table "fileinfo.filename"

Search for all sample documents which contain VBA code and a VBA keyword

sourcetype=jbx | search fileinfo.ole.olefile{}.entries.entry{}.stream.valueascii="*Document_Open*" | table "fileinfo.filename"

Search for all samples which created a file in C:\Windows

source=jbx | rename "behavior.system.processes.process{}.fileactivities.fileCreated.call{}.path" as fileCreated_path, "generalinfo.id" as id | mvexpand fileCreated_path | search fileCreated_path="C:\\Windows\\*" | table id, fileCreated_path

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search for all samples which created an autostart registry key

source=jbx | rename "behavior.system.processes.process{}.registryactivities.keyValueCreated.call{}.path" as keyValueCreated, "generalinfo.id" as id | mvexpand keyValueCreated | search keyValueCreated="*Run*" | table id, keyValueCreated

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search for all samples which hooked the "send" Win32 call

sourcetype=jbx | search behavior.hooks.user.process{}.module.hook{}.@hfunc="send" | table "generalinfo.id", "fileinfo.filename"

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search for all samples which injected into explorer.exe

sourcetype=jbx | search behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.name="explorer.exe" | search behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.reason="extstingprocessinject" | table "generalinfo.id", "fileinfo.filename"

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search for all samples which injected into explorer.exe and contacted an IP address in Virgin Islands

sourcetype=jbx | search behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.name="explorer.exe" | search behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.reason="extstingprocessinject" | search "ipinfo.ip{}.@country"="*Virgin Islands*" | table "generalinfo.id", "fileinfo.filename", "ipinfo.ip{}.@country"

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search for all samples which started powershell

sourcetype=jbx | search behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.name="powershell.exe" | table "generalinfo.id", "behavior.system.processes.process{}.general.cmdline"

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

Search powershell event log (transcript)

sourcetype=jbx | search "behavior.system.processes.process{}.powershellactivities.eventlog.call{}.name"="ScriptBlockText" | table "generalinfo.id", "behavior.system.processes.process{}.powershellactivities.eventlog.call{}.execution"

This search is only possible if Small Report is set to false.

List all malicious behavior signatures

sourcetype=jbx | rename "signatureinfo.sig{}.@impact" as sig_impact, "signatureinfo.sig{}.@desc" as sig_desc, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(sig_impact,sig_desc, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval sig_impact=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval sig_desc=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search sig_impact>=2 | table id, sig_impact, sig_desc

Statistic for best behavior signature

sourcetype=jbx | rename "signatureinfo.sig{}.@impact" as sig_impact, "signatureinfo.sig{}.@desc" as sig_desc, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(sig_impact,sig_desc, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval sig_impact=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval sig_desc=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search sig_impact>=2 | chart count by sig_desc

Search for all samples with a strong "ransomware" classification

sourcetype=jbx | rename "signatureclassifications.classification{}.scores.score{}.@classname" as class_name, "signatureclassifications.classification{}.scores.score{}.@value" as class_score, "generalinfo.id" as id | eval temp=mvzip(class_name,class_score, "|") | mvexpand temp | eval class_name=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),0) | eval class_score=mvindex(split(temp,"|"),1) | search class_name="Ransomware" class_score>=4 | table id, class_score

Search for all samples which use a specific MITRE ATT&CK technique

sourcetype=jbx | search mitreattack.tactic{}.technique{}.id="t1022" | table "generalinfo.id", "mitreattack.tactic{}.technique{}.id"

Search for all samples which match a specific yara rule

sourcetype=jbx | search yara.sample.hit{}.rule="Embedded_PE" | table "generalinfo.id", "yara.sample.hit{}.rule", "yara.droppedfiles.hit{}.rule", "yara.memorydumps.hit{}.rule"

Search for all samples which have Antivirus detections

sourcetype=jbx | search avhit.sample.hit{}.positives!="0" | table avhit.sample.hit{}.source, avhit.sample.hit{}.positives, avhit.sample.hit{}.cloud, avhit.sample.hit{}.label, generalinfo.id

Visualize detections scores and verdicts

To visualize maliciousness score over time enter the following line in the search field and click visualize

sourcetype=jbx | timechart span=1s values("signaturedetections.strategy{}.score") as Score

To visualize detection verdicts over time enter the following line in the search field and click visualize

sourcetype=jbx | timechart span=1s count by "signaturedetections.strategy{}.detection"


The addon saves report IDs that have been downloaded in the Splunk KV Store. If in anycase you like to reset the KV Store you can do so by executing the following command (this may require admin/super user rights):

splunk clean kvstore -app Joe-Sandbox-Addon -collection Joe_Sandbox_Addon_checkpointer