Poleski Design Component Library

Well I'm tired of having to recreate the same components over and over so I figured I'd make my own Design Component Library for Vue 3 components. These components are free to use wherever you feel like.


  • Monorepo built on TurboRepo
  • Tailwind Package
  • Eslint Package
  • TSConfig Package
  • Testing Library Package
  • Playground for Vite/Vue 3
  • CVA
  • Histoire
  • Iconify
  • Built with Vite
  • Modeled/Inspired on Flowbite
  • UI components multiple install options
    • Install full UI package
    • Install individual component package
  • CircleCI
  • Changesets


  • Fill out example Button package
  • Playground for Nuxt


  • pnpm install
  • pnpm build

Run Histoire

  • cd packages/ui
  • pnpm story:dev

Run Playground

  • cd apps/vue-playground
  • pnpm dev