Dealership Finder

You can view on Heroku here. Note: The "Search" button doesn't work on the production environment - the environment variable containing the Google API key isn't configured correctly / compiling into the source. It does work correctly when using locally.


You'll need to rename .env.example to .env. The application uses the Google Geocoding API to determine lat/lng coordinates from a given address, so you'll need to register for the Geocoding API and copy your key into the .env file. This key should be URL restricted, as it will show in the compiled source.

git clone
cd dealership-finder
npm install
npm start

To view the component library:

npx styleguidist server


I decided on create-react-app as time was restricted and I wanted to spend the time writing code, not configuring Webpack, Babel, dotenv etc.

Then when I had the basic boilerplate set up, I installed react-styleguidist. This acted as a sandbox for developing new components, with the added benefit of documentation.

Once I had coded some basic components and the Location Picker, I brought these together in a StepOne component. StepOne is responsible for the latitude/longitude state - I made it the responsibility of its parent component App to look after the state for the selected dealership, as this would later need to be passed into a StepTwo component.

All notifications to the user are handled by react-toastify - this was a time saving decision allowing me to focus on more important app functionality.

Lat/lng is logged out to the console to demonstrate capability, as the mock dealership data presented doesn't use this in any way.

To Do

  • Fix environment variable on Heroku
  • "CONTINUE TO NEXT STEP" button and behaviour
  • Tests for existing components
  • Add a map to StepOne
  • Select component
  • SelectedDealership component
  • CheckboxGroup component
  • StepTwo form and Axios post request
  • Media queries for desktop view