
PowerShell scripts for UWMC

Primary LanguagePowerShellEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2


A PowerShell module to interact with services provided by UWMC (Unlimitedworld).


  1. First, get a copy of this repository. Preferably via git clone https://github.com/joestr/Uwmc.Ps.git.
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository with cd Uwmc.Ps
  3. Import the module within PowerShell: Import-Module ./source/Uwmc.Ps.psd1


Get online players

Commandlet: Get-UwOnlinePlayers
Arguments: -IncludePlayerUid → tries to resolve player names to their UUID; represented in the PlayerUid field or else $null
Returns: An array of online players.

Example: Get-UwOnlinePlayers | Where-Object -Property Priority -LE 30 Searching for players where the sorting priority is less or equal to 30.

Get player votes

Commandlet: Get-UwPlayerVotes
Arguments: -IncludePlayerUid → tries to resolve player names to their UUID; represented in the PlayerUid field or else $null
Returns: An array of player votes.

Example: Get-UwPlayerVotes | Where-Object -Property PlayerName -In @("joestr") Searching for votes from player joestr.

Get zones

Commandlet: Get-UwZones
Arguments ForceRefresh → Forcibly renew cached content
Returns: An array of zones.

Example: Get-UwZones | Where-Object ZoneType -EQ 1 | Where-Object Label -Like '*TMD#1*' Searching for player zones where its label contains a wildcard match againts string 'TMD#1'.