
A simple API written in Ruby using Sinatra. Deployed to Heroku 🚀

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Simple API

A simple web API built with Ruby 3 and Sinatra Framework. Running in Heroku.




Returns Hello World.


Returns 200 if the API service is healthy.

Example JSON response.

    "status": "unhealthy"


Returns 200 if the API service is healthy. Returns 503 if service is unhealthy.

Example JSON response.

            "version": "1.3.0",
            "description": "simple api",
            "lastcommitsha": "c4c1f203401d9491e07d6c5ab771e5d0eed6dc36"


This repository has a .tools-version file. You can set up asdf to manage the versions of dependencies listed in that file. Currently it is only Ruby 3.0.0. Once you install asdf you will need to install the Ruby 3.0.0 version.

If you have your own version manager or ruby 3.0.0 alredy installed then you can skip this step.

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To run the tests and the code linter, run:

bundle exec rake

To run the app locally after all the dependencies are installed the easiest way is by:

APP_ENV=development exe/simple-api

The default site and port is but you can override the port number by specifying a PORT eg PORT=8080 APP_ENV=development exe/simple-api.


This simple-api will be auto deployed to Heroku on every main green build via the CircleCI test and deploy pipeline. You may need to sign into CircleCi with your GitHub account to see the build.

It is packaged up in a Docker container and uses the Heroku Container Registry method of deploying. The production site is https://joes-simple-api.herokuapp.com/.


If you have access to the Heroku Application, you can simply install the Heroku CLI via this guide.

Then to inspect the running application logs run:

heroku logs --tail -a joes-simple-api


Not in priority order.

  • Add in "rack/protection" for protection from typical web attacks.
  • Add in dependabot for code vulnrability scanning.
  • Container scanning.
  • Use a different API key with restricted permissions to deploy to Heroku.
  • Adding a job that tests the latest Ruby version compatabiliity.
  • PR merge blocks on failed builds.
  • Test coverage gate. Fail build on x% or below test coverage.
  • Refactor code into controllers.
  • More monitoring and observability.


PR's Welcome.
