
A set of simple exercises to introduce someone to infra concepts.

Primary LanguageRuby

Docker and Kubernetes Intro

This is a simple set of exercises meant for practice or introduction to basic concepts in Docker and Kubernetes. This can be used for self study or as part of a guided session between two people.

The first two exercises practice using docker to create locally running apps in contrived setups which are similar to real world instances.

The second two exercises practice using Kubernetes to create small deployments using Minikube and the kubectl command line.

The last exercise practices an end to end workflow using Docker, Kubernetes, and a simple Rails app to mimic the lifecycle of a production app and deployments.


  1. Ensure you have Docker installed.
  2. Create a Dockerhub account and sign in through your Docker instance, if you haven't already.
  3. Use your editor to find and replace all instances of {name} with your first name, no spaces. This will customize the instructions and displays to you.
  4. Use your editor to find and replace all instances of {dockerhub-username} with your Dockerhub username. This will ensure scripts which push to dockerhub will function.

What this is not

This is not an exhaustive or even greatly detailed walkthrough of Docker or Kubernetes. Most of the context here is meant to be provided by a facilitator or someone familiar with the "why"s and "what"s. For any questions on the technology specifics, please read the documentation for each tool.

🐳 Docker
