Easy to use utility for reading and writing to the system clipboard.
npm install clipboard
var clipboard = require('clipboard');
// _Read_
var fromClipboard = clipboard.read(); // defaults to ascii
fromClipboard = clipboard.read('bitmap'); // buffer
fromClipboard = clipboard.readAll(); // all formats
// _Write_
clipboard.write('some text');
{ format: 'ascii', value: 'some text' },
{ format: 'unicode', value: '\u1059\u0000etc' },
{ format: 'bitmap', value: someBuffer }
// _Clear_
// _Iterate_
// clipboard.formats() is a shortcut for:
var formats = clipboard.iterate(function(format, formatName, isCustom){
return formatName;
// _JavaScript Objects_
// copies a v8 handle to the clipboard, not serialized
// also copies in the util.inspect text into 'ascii'
clipboard.write({ realJSObject: true });
// this will CRASH node if you try to paste it into another node process
var obj = clipboard.read('jsobject');