
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

International Telephone Input for Angular Material (NgxMatIntlTelInput)

An Angular Material package for entering and validating international telephone numbers. It adds a flag dropdown to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder and provides formatting/validation methods.


  • Angular 7
  • Angular Material 7
  • ReactiveFormsModule
  • FormsModule
  • Validation with libphonenumber-js


Install Dependencies

$ npm install libphonenumber-js --save

Install This Library

$ npm install ngx-mat-intl-tel-input --save



Add NgxMatIntlTelInputModule to your module file:

imports: [


Refer to main app in this repository for working example.

<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
  [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
  [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
  (countryChanged)="yourComponentMethodToTreatyCountryChangedEvent($event)" // $event is a instance of current select Country

If you want to show the sample number for the country selected or errors , use mat-hint anf mat-error as

<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
    [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
    [onlyCountries]="['us', 'gb', 'es']"
    formControlName="phone" #phone></ngx-mat-intl-tel-input>
  <mat-hint>e.g. {{phone.selectedCountry.placeHolder}}</mat-hint>
  <mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.required">Required Field</mat-error>
  <mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.validatePhoneNumber">Invalid Number</mat-error>


Options Type Default Description
preferredCountries string[] [] List of country abbreviations, which will appear at the top.
onlyCountries string[] [] List of manually selected country abbreviations, which will appear in the dropdown.
enablePlaceholder boolean true Input placeholder text, which adapts to the country selected.
enableSearch boolean false Whether to display a search bar to help filter down the list of countries

Library Contributions

  • Fork repo.
  • Go to ./projects/ngx-mat-intl-tel-input
  • Update ./src/lib with new functionality.
  • Update README.md
  • Pull request.

Helpful commands

  • Build lib: $ npm run build_lib
  • Copy license and readme files: $ npm run copy-files
  • Create package: $ npm run npm_pack
  • Build lib and create package: $ npm run package

Use locally

After building and creating package, you can use it locally too.

In your project run:

$ npm install --save {{path to your local '*.tgz' package file}}