Note: On September 18, 2022, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will sunset The API will become inaccessible... after August 31, 2022. Source: is a URL shortener service that lets government employees create short .gov URLs from official government domains, such as .gov, .mil,,, or URLs. Registration is limited to people with .mil, .gov,,, and e-mail addresses. The service has a web front end as well as an API for programmatic access.
This library, written in XQuery, is a simple wrapper around the API's three methods: Shorten, Expand, and Clicks.
To use the API, you need a login and API key from
The library written in pure XQuery 1.0 and has a dependency on the EXPath HTTP Client module for making HTTP requests.
The library can be pulled out and used on its own, but if your implementation of XQuery supports the EXPath Package system, you can use the included Apache Ant build script to create an EXPath Package for quick, convenient installation.
The library and package have been tested with eXist-db 2.0.
To install in eXist-db, clone this repository and run ant, which will construct an EXPath Archive (.xar) file in the project's build folder. Then install the package via the eXist-db Package Manager, or place it in eXist-db's 'autodeploy' folder.
import module namespace go = "";
go:expand($login as xs:string, $api-key as xs:string, $short-url as xs:string, $output-format as xs:string) as element()?
This function expands a shortened URL.
let $login := '[your login]'
let $api-key := '[your API key]'
let $short-url := ''
let $output-format := 'xml'
go:expand($login, $api-key, $short-url, $output-format)
This will return the following result:
<item is_array="true">
<entry is_array="true">
If you desire the result in JSON, be sure to use a function in your XQuery implementation that lets you access
the response as a string. For example, in eXist-db, apply util:binary-to-string()
util:binary-to-string(go:expand($login, $api-key, $short-url, $output-format))
The JSON response:
{"response": {
"0": [{
"status_code": "200",
"status_txt": "OK"
"data": {"entry": [{
"short_url": "",
"long_url": ""
go:shorten($login as xs:string, $api-key as xs:string, $long-url as xs:string, $output-format as xs:string) as item()
This function shortens the $long-url
go:clicks($login as xs:string, $api-key as xs:string, $short-url as xs:string, $output-format as xs:string) as item()
This function returns the number of clicks to the $short-url