
Experiment in WebGL 3D React component simulator

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A collection of components for creating auto-layout diagrams from data.


A force-based layout for directed acyclic graphs. This diagram uses a slight variation where nodes in the graph are also leaf nodes in a hierarchy that also relates and groups nodes together. Relationships (edges) between the nodes are aggregated up the hierarchy so that parent nodes inherit their children's relationships.

<Graph graph={graph}

    onSelectNode={({ text }) => setNode(text)} >
    <Message feedTo="start" startDelay={0.1}>

  • Deferred start based on time
  • Messages owned by node, sent across each edge
  • When complete callback used with all expired messages
  • Owner (the Graph) removes messages from node A and propagages them to node B and C
  • Circular dependencies are fine, messages just keep going

Space Avaialble

Total Needed Space = M Measured Max Distance = Wm Space Available = S (pixels) Conversion between pixel to measured space = R

Point in pixel space = Ps Point in measured space = Pv

Ps = Pv * R Width of left most box = W1s (in pixel space) Width of right most box = W2s Pv = Ps / R

M = W1s/2R + Wm + W2s/2R

R = S/M

M = MW1s/2S + Wm + MW2s/2S M = M (W1s/2S + W2s/2S) + Wm M = M (W1s+W2s)/2S + Wm M - M (W1s+W2s)/2S = Wm M ( 1 - (W1s+W2s)/2S) = Wm M = Wm / ( 1 - (W1s+W2s)/2S)

Wm = 3000 W1s = 20 W2s = 30 S = 200

M = 3000 / ( 1 - (20+30)/400) M = 3000 / (1 - 50/400) M = 3000 / (1 - 1/8) M = 3000 / (7/8) M = 3000 * 8 /7 M = 3428.571

Expandable Graph in Graph

SimpleGraph onResize - useGraphResize - resizes the graph onNodePositioned - places a node position - simpleNodes, positions them - overlap check - calls ResizeNeeded - Renders use - Calls OnNodePositioned when changing position - renders the edges to the screenNodes

ExpandableGraph onResize - useGraphResize Render - flag to render sub-nodes - overlap check - calls ResizeNeed - Renders use , includes subNodes - Renders using - overlap check - Resize - Resize Node (as outer Node of Graph) - Calls onNodePosition when resizing

When expanding a sub-graph the mini-graph will arrange nodes using a fixed width. Nodes are rendered to a fixed screen size (the size of the parent node in the parent graph). If any of the nodes are overlapping based on the graph layout it will request that the parent expands the node. This request is handled by the parent node (L2-nodes->sub-graph.mini-graph->node) via the hook useGraphResize. The Node component maintains a size override.

When the Node is resized the parent MiniGraph is notified via the onNodesPositioned callback so that the MiniGraph has an accurate picture of all positions and sizes (see posSizes).