
Sample repo for setting up sign up/in/out with aws cognito

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Initial setup steps
npx create-react-app <reponame> {note that the repo name must be all lower case, and you can build the app in the current repo by using the reponame '.'}

if you don't have amplify installed run the following
npm install aws-amplify-react

to configure the application with aws
amplify configure

  • sign into aws acount
  • select correct region (us-east-2 for ohio)
  • specify IAM user
  • grant user permissions
  • copy and paste keys
  • defualt profile

amplify init

  • default proj name
  • give environment a name (not terribly important)
  • select your editor
  • select javascript
  • select react
  • default src
  • default distribution
  • default build command
  • default start command
  • use aws profile
  • choose default profile

AUTH for using phone verification (NOTE YOU CANNOT CHANGE THIS LATER)
amplify add auth

  • manual config
  • user sign-up, sign-in
  • default project
  • default identity pool
  • do NOT allow unauthenticated logins
  • do not enable 3rd party authentification
  • sign in with username
  • do not add user pool groups
  • No admin queries api
  • turn off multifactor authentication
  • diable email based registration use sms/totop as an alternative
  • default sms message
  • dont enable following capabilities
  • do not override default password policy
  • select the email attribute requirement (press space)
  • select the phone number requirement (press space)
  • once you have unchecked email and checked phone number you can hit enter
  • default token experiration
  • do not specify user attributes this app can read and write
  • don't enable any of the following capabilities
  • NO use OAuth flow
  • Authorization code grant
  • leave all scopes enabled
  • do not enable any social providers
  • dont create lambda triggers

Additional npm stuff
npm add aws-amplify npm add aws-amplify-react

push these changes to aws
amplify push

to test the application add the following to the app.js file
import { withAuthenticator } from 'aws-amplify-react'; import Amplify, { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';

then change the final line of app.js to the following
export default withAuthentication(App);