JKCategories(iOS-Categories), a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.
platform :ios
pod 'JKCategories'
Copy JKCategories folder to your project
import the header file into any class where you wish to make use of the functionality such ass #import "NSArray+JKSafeAccess.h" ,Not recommended for import all the header files of JKCategories into pch or baseclass
####onekey import all categories of framework
- NSArray
- NSBundle
- NSData
- NSDate
- NSDateFormatter
- NSNotificationCenter
- NSDictionary
- NSException
- NSFileManager
- NSIndexPath
- NSNumber
- NSObject
- NSSet
- NSString
- NSTimer
- NSUserDefaults
- NSHTTPCookieStorage
- NSFileHandle
- NSRunLoop
- NSURLRequest
- NSOperation
- NSInvocation
- NSURLConnection
- UIAlertView
- UIApplication
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIBezierPath
- UIButton
- UIColor
- UIFont
- UIControl
- UIDevice
- UIImage
- UIImageView
- UILable
- UINavigationBar
- UINavigationController
- UINavigationItem
- UIResponder
- UIScreen
- UIScrollView
- UISearchBar
- UISplitViewController
- UITableView
- UITableViewCell
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UIView
- UIViewController
- UIWebView
- UIWindow
- UIPopoverController
- UICollectionView
- CALayer
- CAMediaTimingFunction
- CAAnimation
- CAShapeLayer
- CATransaction
- NSManagedObjectContext
- NSFetchRequest
- NSManagedObject
- NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
- CLLocationManager
- CLLocation
- MKMapView
JKCategories is available under the MIT license.