Get Started


Install it:

yarn or `npm install`
react-native link

Running the Project

After completing the installation step, you're ready to start the project though! There are three different environments that the project provide.


yarn ios-dev or yarn android-dev


yarn ios-staging or yarn android-staging


yarn ios-prod or android-prod

You can find the configuration in the root directory which is called .env.staging. However, there are additional scripts at your disposal:

yarn <script> Description
android:build Bundle your app before building apk file
android:release Build the apk to android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk
test Run unit test with Jest.
lint Lint the project for the coding style

Project Structure

The structure is only meant to serve as a guide, it's by no means prescriptive. It try to aims to represent generally guidelines and pattern for building scalable applications. If you have any thoughts about it. Don't be shy, just mention it. We just list some important directories to show our idea and leave out some files or directories or we mention before, such as: .babelrc .eslintrc ..etc.

|--- js
|    |--- index.js                  # main entry of this project 
|    |--- components                # global reusable and screen components 
|    |    |--- common               # global resuable components
|    |    |    └--- Header          # e.g.: Header Component
|    |    |         |--- __tests__  # all tests about the component 
|    |    |         |--- index.js   # header definitionin this layer
|    |    |         |--- Text.js    # subcomponent with CSS style, the component will be imported by index.js in this layer
|    |    |         └--- ...        # one resuable components might include more than one subcomponent. 
|    |    └--- loginComponent       # screen component
|    |         └---- ...            # it depends on the structure of container. if login container have three different subcontainer
|    |                              # in this layer, there are three component directories inside loginComponent. Each
|    |                              # subcomponent directory have the same structure like global resuable component
|    |--- lib                       # all the configurations of project
|    |--- modules                   # we divied our project into different blocks according to the function
|    |    |--- auth                 # put all the js files about auth into one directory
|    |    |    |--- __tests__       # all tests about the module in this layer
|    |    |    |--- authActions     # actions about auth
|    |    |    |--- authReducer     # reducers about auth
|    |    |    |--- authAPI         # APIs about auth
|    |    |    |--- authEpic        # epics about auth
|    |    |    └--- ....etc         
|    |    └--- ...etc    
|    |--- screens                   # all the files about app's screen which only include business logic
|    |    |--- loginScreens         # screen about login 
|    |    |    |--- __tests__       # all tests about the files in this layer
|    |    |    |---  society         # just examply, A screen might be divided into a small amount subscreens which have own
|    |    |    └ ...etc             # business logic
|    |    └ ... etc
|    |--- navigations               # all the routes of project                    
|    |--- constants                 # manage all constants of project

Technologies we use

package Description
redux state management for our app
redux-observable deal with the side effect in our project, such as request api, UI event..etc
redux-logger good tool for displaying information about action
styled-component good lib for implementing the concept of css-js
redux-persist using this lib for managing local storage just like managing redux state
react-native-config using for dividing our app into three different environments
redux-actions reduce the boilerplate to write action and reducer
normalizr normalizes nested json from api
jest testing framework
immutability-helper mutate a copy of data without changing the original source
husky git hook made easy
react-native-debugger good tool for debugging
axios a tool which is promise based http client
babel-plugin-transform-remove-console This will automatically remove all console.* calls in the release (production) versions of your project
react-navigation routing tool for our app