
VS Code Extension that implements a keybinding to quickly switch between test and implementation files

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Switch between implementation and test files with Ctrl+`.


This is a VS Code extension that allows you to quickly switch between an implementation file and its related test file - and vice versa.

Default supported languages:

  • Elixir
  • Ruby
  • Typescript

This extension needs to guess the name of the test file, given the implementation file, and vice versa.

For each language there is a default pair of regular-expression-based rules for the most common case.

If these do not match your project's requirements, you can override them - see below.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • TestSwitcher.knownLanguages: the list of languages that are handled by the extension,

For each language there is a further set of 4 settings:

  • TestSwitcher.${LANGAUGE}.implementationMatcher: a regular expression (with captures) which matches implementation paths in the language,
  • TestSwitcher.${LANGAUGE}.implementationReplacer: a replacement string (which uses the captures) to construct the path to the test file,
  • TestSwitcher.${LANGAUGE}.testMatcher: a regular expression (with captures) which matches test paths in the language,
  • TestSwitcher.${LANGAUGE}.testReplacer: a replacement string (which uses the captures) to construct the path to the implementation file.

Each of these sets of 4 settings provides a mapping between test and implementation files for a language.

In a project's root folder, you can create a directory .vscode with a settings.json file with overrides of these settingsi (see below).

You can do the same in a VS Code project workspace file, in the "settings" section.

Default Mapping Examples

LanguageId Implementation path Test path
typescript foo/bar/example.ts foo/bar/test/example.test.ts
elixir lib/foo/bar/my_module.ex test/foo/bar/my_module_test.exs
ruby lib/foo/bar/my_class.rb test/foo/bar/my_class_test.rb

Settings Override Example


If your project's test files are in the same folder as your implementation files, you can do the following in settings.json:

  "TestSwitcher.typescript.implementationMatcher": "(.*?)\\.ts$",
  "TestSwitcher.typescript.implementationReplacer": "$1.test.ts",
  "TestSwitcher.typescript.testMatcher": "(.*?).test\\.ts$",
  "TestSwitcher.typescript.testReplacer": "$1.ts"

Known Issues

Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.

Release Notes


Initial release.