###H A P P Y

A pinterest / tumblr / flickr like photo app focused on travelling / holidays.

The website is fully responsive to iPad and iPhone.

The ethos of the app is for like minded people to come together and post pictures of travelling experiences they have enjoyed and others to come on the site and view there experiences.

the layout has somewhat adopted from Pinterest and gives users the opportunity to either upload a picture or link one from somewhere else on the web. The pictures are grouped by places, giving users the chance to comment on the pictures and also like them.

the idea is not to upload many pictures, as for instance facebook but to upload a single snap shot of your experience somewhere.

User Stories

user will be able to sign up/ sign in user will be able to search for places/pictures user will be able to upload pictures user will be able to be 'inspired', ie find a random holiday destination

please see screenshots

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i used the following speciality gems

'devise' for user authentication

'ransack' for searchability

'acts_as_votable' for likes

'acts_as_commentable_with_threading' for user comments

'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.5' for styling framework

'masonry-rails', '~> 0.2.1' for animations

'carrierwave', '0.10.0' 'rmagick' 'fog', '1.29.0' for hosting images

the app was made using Ruby on Rails
styling was done using CSS and SASS
Animations were done using Javascript / Jquery
Version Control was implemented using Git/ Git Hub.
hosting was utilized using Heroku

please see the deployed site at