
A simple little toolkit for quick prototyping and experimenting with web UIs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple little toolkit for quick prototyping and experimenting with web UIs.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


A node package manager, I recommend installing Yarn via Homebrew.

brew install yarn


This will install all the necessary node packages for this project.

yarn install


Everything is already preconfigured to use Webpack to package everything up into the /public directory and start a browser sync session at http://localhost:9000.

Just run these commands to build everything and automatically open your default browser to the page. 🎉

webpack --watch


  • src - everything in here gets built by Webpack
    • controllers/ - Stimulus controllers go here
    • styles/ - CSS styles go here
    • index.js - main entry point for Webpack
    • index.html - main HTML file
  • package.json - node packages
  • postcss.config.js - PostCSS config, mainly to load Tailwind
  • tailwind.js - Tailwind CSS config
  • webpack.config.js - main Webpack config

Built With

Everything is configured using Webpack to package up the HTML and assets. The /webpack.config.js file is the place to go to see how it's all set up.

Babel and related plugins to allow writing javascript of the future (e.g. ES6) and have it transpiled for today's browsers.

The best little CSS utility framework out there. Tailwind is the best way I've found to rapidly build web UIs. The Tailwind config can be customized in /tailwind.js.

Super lightweight javascript framework for dealing with simple interactions among DOM elements.

Must-have tool for not having to ever hit the refresh button again during development.


Coming soon...


No versioning yet, since it's just a repo right now. If this gets turned into its own NPM package, then the versioning will begin. 😄



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.