Morse Code interpreter for a Raspberry Pi.
This project started when a friend gave me a vintage telegraph key for Christmas. I wanted to do something with it, and I had a Raspberry Pi that I had not used for anything yet, so it seemed like a natural fit.
Run mvn package
to build. That's it.
Run java -jar raspimorse-<version>.jar
specifying a properties file, or individual
values for the pins you have wired up.
To use a properties file, create a file in standard Java properties file format, like this
Then run java -jar raspimorse-<version>.jar
To specify the pins on the command line, you will need to provide the --key
and --led
options, like this java -jar raspimorse-<version>.jar --key 17 --led 22
All of the command line options take shorter forms. Run with --help
to see all of them.