

  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone your forked repo
  • Complete the activity Below
  • Push your solution to your repo
  • Submit a Pull Request from your repo to this repo
    • Put your name in your PR!

Iteration 1

For iteration 1, we have created all of the tests you will need - unskip tests one by one (remove or comment out the word skip at the top of each test), making each pass before moving on to the next test. The tests will model the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/restaurant'
#=> true

pry(main)> restaurant ='10:00', 'Fuel Cafe')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007fb9aac93b08 @dishes=[], @name="Fuel Cafe", @opening_time="10:00">

pry(main)> restaurant.opening_time
#=> "11:30"

#=> "Fuel Cafe"

pry(main)> restaurant.dishes
#=> []

Iteration 2

For iteration 2, we have created all of the tests you will need - unskip tests one by one, making each pass before moving on the the next test. The tests will model the interaction pattern below. The closing_time method should add the number of hours sent in the argument to the opening_time and return the time in 24 hour format. For example, 3:00 PM (12hour / clock time) is 15:00 (24hour). A restaurant will only ever open at the top of the hour (:00).

pry(main)> require './lib/restaurant'
#=> true

pry(main)> restaurant1 ='10:00', 'Fuel Cafe')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007fdddb9ba490 @dishes=[], @name="Fuel Cafe", @opening_time="10:00">

pry(main)> restaurant2 ='16:00', 'Il Poggio')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007fdddb900018 @dishes=[], @name="Il Poggio", @opening_time="16:00">

pry(main)> restaurant1.closing_time(8)
#=> "18:00"

pry(main)> restaurant2.closing_time(7)
#=> "23:00"

pry(main)> restaurant2.add_dish('Burrata')

pry(main)> restaurant2.add_dish('Pizzetta')

pry(main)> restaurant2.add_dish('Ravioli')

pry(main)> restaurant2.dishes
#=> ["Burrata", "Pizzetta", "Ravioli"]

Iteration 3

Now, it is time for you to write your own tests! Follow the interaction pattern below to write one test, make that test pass, and move on to the next test. You will have at minimum, one test per new method. A restaurant is open for lunch, if its opening time is before 12:00. All restaurants are VERY excited about their dishes - The method menu_dish_names will return a list of dish names, IN ALL CAPS ('Breakfast Burrito' should become 'BREAKFAST BURRITO').

require './lib/restaurant'
#=> true

restaurant1 ='10:00', 'Fuel Cafe')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007ff6eb3e5b18 @dishes=[], @name="Fuel Cafe", @opening_time="10:00">

restaurant2 ='16:00', 'Il Posto')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007ff6eb40eec8 @dishes=[], @name="Il Posto", @opening_time="16:00">

#=> true

#=> false





Iteration 4

Continue writing tests to satisfy the following interaction pattern. The method announce_closing_time will change the format of the end time to a 12 hour format (for example, 15:00 would be converted to 3:00) and return a string to announce the restaurant's closing time.

pry(main)> require './lib/restaurant'
#=> true

pry(main)> restaurant1 ='6:00', 'Fuel Cafe')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007f94e4bfad80 @dishes=[], @name="Fuel Cafe", @opening_time="6:00">

pry(main)> restaurant2 ='16:00', 'Il Posto')
#=> #<Restaurant:0x007f94e53ef658 @dishes=[], @name="Il Posto", @opening_time="16:00">

pry(main)> restaurant1.announce_closing_time(5)
#=> "Fuel Cafe will be closing at 11:00AM"

pry(main)> restaurant2.announce_closing_time(7)
#=> "Il Posto will be closing at 11:00PM"