- 0
Is user linkedin_scraper still in use?
#222 opened by Marilynxingxing - 4
Person Object Scraping all NULLs
#144 opened by Jfromtheroc - 8
#210 opened by ZeroDelayPayday - 5
HTML update on /experience causes issue
#219 opened by beattymg - 8
Profile scraping not working
#208 opened by kumashankar-mbai - 0
If len(outer_postions != 3 or 4) multiple variables are referenced before assignment
#161 opened by jboboyle - 0
Update/Fix for the Issue: Not able to scrape jobs list because of depreciated selenium function
#190 opened by HaniaArif - 0
SSO Support?
#218 opened by LordFarquaadtheCreator - 0
followed companies
#216 opened by connma - 0
regarding code setup
#215 opened by rahulpandya123 - 0
for issue
#213 opened by rahulpandya123 - 0
Failed to resolve address for
#212 opened by v-0001 - 2
Timeout Error
#206 opened by parthbhalerao - 0
#200 opened by eQX8HNMTU2 - 3
- 6
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":".name"}
#184 opened by vastoutreach - 1
UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'work_times' where it is not associated with a value
#192 opened by XYZliang - 6
Profile scraping error.
#176 opened by itsa-mee-mario - 1
- 6
- 2
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace) selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":".artdeco-card.p5.mb4"}
#198 opened by Mohamed-Abdulla - 0
add job filter keywords to avoid 429 error
#188 opened by an-bluecat - 6
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'work_times' referenced before assignment
#162 opened by dbnduchatrji - 6
Scraper times out when using AWS ec2 instance or GCP VM but works well on my personal computer
#177 opened by arafatkatze - 4
UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'work_times' where it is not associated with a value
#185 opened by maxnau89 - 1
Person Scraping gets blocked by security checks
#189 opened by abhinav3295 - 2
Scraping Linkedin on scale, without logging in?
#159 opened by megalancast - 4
Sponsoring projects
#146 opened by josephlimtech - 8
Profile scraping error: res = description.find_element(By.TAG_NAME,"a").find_elements(By.XPATH,"*")
#178 opened by Kiru6ik - 2
Connection refused
#164 opened by SaiChrisZHANG - 0
new posts from linkedin
#186 opened by WhisperOfLove - 5
NoSuchElementException - Unable to locate element: {"method":"tag name","selector":"span"}
#183 opened by FarzadAvari - 3
Profile scraping error
#181 opened by yannjor - 2
Profile scraping error on get_experiences
#179 opened by buliojarros - 1
empty Interests and Accomplishments
#175 opened by xymoget - 12
Profile scraping errors
#173 opened by teddis - 0
Fierfox version
#174 opened by Ouuumar - 0
How to show more connections?
#172 opened by teddis - 0
API Usage documentation
#170 opened by aAnish07 - 0
CSS Selector Error in person
#156 opened by rizwankaz - 0
- 0
- 1
how to skip security verification?
#163 opened by javaCR7 - 10
I started a new repo and got the following error
#157 opened by eleijonmarck - 0
- 8
Scraping from a list of links
#147 opened by HABER7789 - 0
Person's connections are wrong
#152 opened by HariWu1995 - 0
- 1
Xpath are no longer valid
#142 opened by rafikg - 2
When I tried to run it to scrape my own profile it just returned blanks for the experience and education
#143 opened by LukeHerbst