
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Reading Time

Reading Time is a web application that lists staff recommended books, and stuff.



Reading Time requires Java and Maven. It uses an embedded Tomcat servlet container. To test if you have Java and Maven installed open a terminal and type:

mvn --version

GitHub Token

The setup scripts and certain Maven tasks require a GitHub PAT (Personal Access Token). Create a properly scoped PAT, and store the value in an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN.


To run the application:

mvn clean install
sh target/bin/webapp
open http://localhost:8080

To install without running the tests:

mvn -B -DskipTests=true clean install

To run the unit tests:

mvn clean test

To run code coverage checks:

mvn cobertura:check

To create the code coverage report:

mvn cobertura:cobertura
open target/site/cobertura/index.html

To create and view the Maven reports:

mvn site
open target/site/index.html


Read the CONTRIBUTING file before contributing to this project.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).