
Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport (H2MC Application)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport

This repository contains the cheap-then-expensive implementation of Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport based on the differentiable path tracer DPT which implements Anisotropic Gaussian Mutations for Metropolis Light Transport through Hessian-Hamiltonian Dynamics.

If you want to understand the algorithm by looking at the code, you should start with:

  • Delayed Rejection MLT
    • src/integrators/delayed/delayed.*
  • H2MC
    • src/integrators/h2mc.*

In case of problems/questions/comments, do not hesitate to contact the authors directly.

Change from Original DPT

Note that the original code was refactored a bit in order to facilitate our experiments. Among the most important changes are:

  • The program now uses CMake as a build system instead of tup
  • We removed the dependency on ispc to compile the derivative code it generates, it now uses gcc.
  • The dynamic library compilation is now done in parallel.
  • We removed the need to set the environment variable DPT\_LIBPATH to specify the path to the generated dynamic library. It is now assumed to be in the same directory as the one where the program is executed from.
  • The original dpt/src/[mlt.* & h2mc.*] files where split into different integrators found in src/integrator/* and mutations type / Markov states found in src/mutation.*
  • A minor mistake in the original dpt/src/h2mc/ComputeGaussian(...) function was fixed.
  • Minor tweaks to statistics and outputs were added.
  • We did not implement the motion blur and lens mutations functionalities in the delayed rejection integrator.

For more information, you can refer to the original DPT repository.





We provided installation instructions for ArchLinux only, but the installation procedure is similar on Ubuntu using apt install. Configure and build the project using Cmake:

mkdir build && cd "$_" 
cmake ../ 
make -j

To install the tooling dependencies, run:

pacman -Sy python3 python-pip
pip3 install numpy matplotlib pyexr

Dynamic Library

To create/compile the dynamic library of path derivatives, add the argument --compile-bidirpathlib when running the program. Below is an example using 10 threads:

./dpt --p=10 --compile-bidirpathlib                       

Doing so will save the dynamic library pathlibbidir.so in the <PATH_TO_DPT_BIN> directory. Note that this will need to be built from scratch the first time the program is compiled, when changes in code have an impact on the path structure (e.g. adding a BRDF) or when deeper paths are needed.


We modified and added the following integrators:

  • src/integrator/mcmc: A variation of MMLT using isotropic Gaussian mutations.
  • src/integrator/h2mc: A variation of MMLT using H2MC aniotropic Gaussian mutations (H2MC).
  • src/integrator/delayed/delayed: This is the core of our DRMLT algorithm.

You can select between them by setting the integrator=[mcmc, h2mc,drmlt] parameters in the scene .xml.


Parameter Description Requirement
type Delayed rejection framework Optional (Default: green) (Options: mira, green)
acceptanceMap Output acceptance map Optional (Default: false)
anisoperturbprob Probability of doing an isotropic or anisotropic move at the second stage Optional (Default: 0.5)
anisoperturbstddev Standard deviation of second stage isotropic proposal Optional (Default: 0.0025)

Delayed Rejection Framework

This implementation of delayed rejection support two types of frameworks:

  • Original Framework: Proposed by Tierney & Mira [1999]. Suffers from vanishing acceptance at the second stage.
  • Generalized Framework: Proposed by Green & Mira [2001]. Uses reversible jump to solve the vanishing acceptance problematic by sampling an expensive intermediate state.

You can select between them by setting the type=[green, mira] parameters in the scene .xml.

Acceptance Map

When using the drmlt integrator, you can generate an acceptance map by setting the acceptanceMap=true parameters in the scene .xml. Doing so will generate an RGB image such that the R-channel corresponds to the number of accepted samples at the first stage and the G-channel is the same for the second stage. To convert this image to a heatmap, use the standalone script ./tools/stages_heatmap.py. For example, the following command saves the acceptance map during rendering:

python <PATH_TO_DPT__ROOT>/tools/stages_heatmap.py \
          -t <PATH_TO_ACCEPTANCE_MAP>/acceptance_map.exr \ 
          -c [0.2,0.8]
Parameter Description Requirement
t Acceptance map Required
c Pixel range (clip) for heatmap images Optional (Default: [0,1])


With each scene, we provide the following preset parameters used to generate the renders in our paper:

  • scene_h2mc.xml: run with the h2mc integrator.
  • scene_mcmc.xml: run with the mcmc integrator.
  • scene_drmlt.xml: run with the drmlt integrator using green framework.
  • scene_drmlt_map.xml: Output the acceptance map using drmlt and green.

Change Llogs

  • 2020/07/29: Initial code release


This code is released under the The MIT License (MIT).