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Episode Feed Feature Specs (Homepage)


As a podcast audioence
I want the app to automatically load the lastest podcast epiosde
So I can always enjoy the newest feed of the channel


Given the audioence has connectivity
 When the audioence requests to see the channel feed
 Then the app should display the latest feed from remote

Use cases

Load Episode Feed From Remote Use Case


  • URL

Primary Course( happy path ):

  1. Execute ‘func load’ and with data above.
  2. System download data with URL
  3. System validates downloading data
  4. System creates channel feed for validate data
  5. System deliver channel feed

Invalid Data( sad path ):

System delivers invalidate data error

No Connectivity( sad path ):

System delivers connectivity error


Model Specs

Channel Feed

Property Type
profileImage URL(optional)
episodes [Episode]


Property Type
coverImage URL(optional)
title String(optional)
description String
releaseDate String
soundURL URL(optional)


            <guid isPermaLink="false">tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/1000284829</guid>
            <title>Ep. 135 流動的資金盛宴</title>
            <pubDate>Sun, 07 Mar 2021 22:00:12 +0000</pubDate>

            <enclosure type="audio/mpeg" url="https://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/1000284829-daodutech-podcast-a-liquid-feast-of-capital.mp3" length="60557439"/>
            <itunes:image href="https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-Z7zJRFuDjv63KCHv-5W8whA-t3000x3000.jpg"/>

Episode Page Specs (Episode Page)


As a podcast audioence
I want to look into selected episode's description
So I can learn more about the topic and project

Use cases

Display episode detail


  • array of Episode
  • Int

Primary Course( happy path ):

1.Load episode
2.Kingfisher load episode coverImage with URL
3.Render UI component with episode

Episode property contains valid value ( sad path ):

System delivers invalid data error

Cover image’s URL couldn’t load ( sad path ):

Kingfisher displays placeholder on UIImageView

Transfer to player page and start to play audio

Primary Course( happy path ):

Transfer to player page



As an audience who already peruse episode's summary
Finally decided to listen to the content
The app should be able to let me play the podcast

Use cases

Load Sound URL


  • URL https://xxx.sound.mp3

Primary Course( happy path ):

1.AVPlayerItem load url, and the url is valid
2.AVPlayerItem is ready to play
3.AVPlayer play the audio

The url is invlid ( sad path ):

System doesn't play the audio

Play Audio

Primary Course( happy path ):

1.AVPlayerItem is ready to play
2.AVPlayer play the audio

The AVPlayerItem is not ready( sad path ):

System doesn't play the audio

Pause Audio

Primary Course( happy path ):

  1. AVPlayerItem is ready to play
  2. AVPlayer pause the audio

Switch to Next/Previous Episode


  • Input: [Episode], Int
  • Output: Result<( Episode, URL), Error>

Primary Course( happy path ):

  1. Execute ‘func loadEpisode’
  2. PlayerModel retrieve episode and URL for Controller
  3. Render interface with episode
  4. AudioPlayer load sound URL
  5. AVPlayerItem is read to play
  6. AVPlayer start to play

Index out of range ( sad path ):

System delivers index out of range error

Sound URL is missing ( sad path ):

System delivers sound URL is missing error

Manipulate episode with Slider


  • Double

Default configuration for AVPlayerManager:

public final class AVPlayerManager {
    private var player:AVPlayer?
    private var timeObserver: Any?
    private var isSeekInProgress = false
    private var chaseTime: CMTime = .zero

Primary Course( happy path ):

  1. AVPlayer currentItem's duration is not nil
  2. Convert slider value to total second
  3. Convert sldier value, the process is shown as below:
if let duration = player?.currentItem?.duration {
            let totalSecond = CMTimeGetSeconds(duration)
            let value = (sliderValue) * Float(totalSecond)
            let seekTime = CMTime(value: CMTimeValue(value), timescale: 1)
  1. Execute func stopPlayingAndSeekSmoothlyToTime(newChaseTime:)
  2. Pause AVPlayer
  3. Compare currentChaseTime with newChaseTime
if CMTimeCompare(newChaseTime, chaseTime) != 0 {
            chaseTime = newChaseTime
            if !isSeekInProgress {
  1. Check statement isSeekInProgress
if !isSeekInProgress {
  1. Check AVPlayer currentItem's status.
if status == .unknown {
            // wait until item becomes ready
        } else if status == .readyToPlay {
  1. isSeekInProgress = true
  2. let seekTimeInProgress = chaseTime
  3. Execute AVPlayer.seekseek(to: seekTimeInProgress, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero, completion:)
  4. Execute CMTimeCompare(seekTimeInProgress, self.chaseTime)
if CMTimeCompare(seekTimeInProgress, self.chaseTime) == 0 {
                self.isSeekInProgress = false
            } else {
  1. notify PlayerViewController to update

Flowchart ( Play Newer/Older Episode )

App Architecture

Home Page

Player Page