Meclipse is an Eclipse plugin for MongoDB
Author: Flavio Percoco Premoli
Contributors: Joey Mink
Use the update site:
- It has a MongoDB View that contains a list of servers (connections). It is possible to add/remove connections. They are saved in a settings file.
- It loads (as TreeView) the list of databases and collections.
- View stats about databases and collections in Eclipse Properties View
- View serverStatus() output in Eclipse Properties View
- Set the profiling level for any given database
- It loads the data found in the collection. To do this, Meclipse opens a new Editor and shows the data loaded (This part needs a lot of work).
Here's a shot of the DB view: meclipse
- Meclipse already shows the connections, databases, collections and data stored in MongoDB so I think that the critical point (where I/you/we should focus) is how data is shown in the editor.
- Many other things.
- Update this README :)
- We use a subset of the beautiful Silk Icons from famfamfam:
- ExoAnalytic Solutions for hosting the update site