Are you tired of the renaming orgy every time your project changes the version? Try 'Version Tiger', an Eclipse plugin/command line tool for easy and fast version administration (snapshot/release) of Maven artifacts. Incrementing the version in all your dependent projects is now a matter of a single click.
- Updates version information in all known project files and their dependencies
- Supports Maven (>= v2) and Tycho projects (eclipse-plugin, eclipse-test-plugin, eclipse-feature, eclipse-repository, eclipse-update-site, eclipse-application)
- Comprehensive UI for version administration
- Command line interface with scripting engine
- Own breed of script files for automated processing of large number of changes
Search for Version Tiger in your Eclipse Marketplace client and click install.
Alternatively, you may install with "Help -> Install new software..." menu and enter our release URL as software site:
Start the versioning dialog by right clicking on a Maven/Tycho project and choosing the "Update version..." item.
It brings up the dialog which lets you select the desired new version in the chosen projects.
For exhaustive documentation about the project -- be it for the user or developer -- visit the Version Tiger wiki page.
See Release Notes for new and noteworthy features and bugfixes in latest releases.