
Simple NSLayoutConstraint creation and management

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


NSLayoutConstraints simplified

Quickly setup constraints with just a few lines of code

let subview = UIView()

let topPin = subview.pin(edge: .top, toView: view)
let bottomPin = subview.pin(edge: .bottom, toView: view)
let leadingPin = subview.pin(edge: .leading, toView: view)
let trailingPin = subview.pin(edge: .trailing, toView: view)

Easily configure percentage based constraints to allow relative positioning of UIView's

let subview = UIView()

// pin the subviews width to 50% of the parent view and add a constraint for the aspect ratio
let widthPin = subview.pin(dimension: .width, to: 0.5, relativeTo: view, aspectRatio: 16.0/9.0)
// pin the bottom edge of the subview to the bottom edge of the view. The margin will be 15% of the 
// height of the view
let bottomPin = subview.pin(edge: .bottom, toView: view, toAnchor: .bottom, margin: 0.15, relative:true)
// pin the subview to be centered on the x axis of the view
let axisPin = subview.pin(toAxis: .x, inView: view, offset:0)

Using the Pin object you can update the properties of the constraint at any time, i.e disable/enable, update the constant, or even the multiplier

bottomPin.isActive = false




bottomPin.set(value: 0.5)

Written in Swift, enjoy ;-)