Astro Blog with Netlify CMS

This example is based on the basic Astro blog starter kit.

It adds:

  • Netlify CMS dashboard at /admin
  • Live preview of posts in Netlify CMS
  • Local proxy server to allow local content updates via the CMS
  • Netlify Identity for authenticating with the admin app

Quick deploy

Deploy to Netlify

☝️ Click this button to copy this project to your own GitHub (or GitLab) account and set up continuous deployment with Netlify as if by magic. ✨

Once you’ve got the project set up, you do need to activate Netlify Identity in the Netlify UI and then enable “Git Gateway” to allow e-mail/password authentication.


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev & Netlify CMS proxy servers
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Serve ./dist/ & run the Netlify CMS proxy server


Netlify CMS is a single-page React app. It supports a live preview pane while editing posts, but previews must also be React components. This means any layouts/components that you want to preview in the CMS must be written using React.

We can also get reasonably good preview support for components in Markdown, but the same caveat applies: they’ve got to be React components. This project registers them as custom editor components.

Astro makes it fairly simple to share our components across the site and in the editor previews, but it does mean we opt out of some Astro benefits like auto-scoped styles and are forced to use React (at least for things that need previewing — this project still uses Astro components for other things).


  • Expressions in Markdown, like {frontmatter.value} are not supported in live previews. Two blockers from Netlify CMS:

    1. No support for custom inline preview components (so expressions could work at a block-level, but not in the middle of text).

    2. Editor components can’t access other post data, so it’s not possible to provide variables like frontmatter to expressions. (More obviously, APIs like Astro.request aren’t available in the browser.)

  • Component support in Markdown requires that components are imported in the front matter’s setup block. This repository suggests an architecture for providing components to the editor and sets a default setup block that imports all currently known components. A bug in Astro means we can’t (currently) manage with a single import Components and then render <Component.Button> or <Component.Whatever>, but if that is fixed, this step can be more robust.

Project Structure

Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│    └── ...
├── src/
│   ├── collections/       # CMS collection configurations
│   │   └── posts/
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── index.ts       # Export custom CMS editor components
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── layouts/
│   ├── pages/
│   │   ├── admin/         # Page for the Netlify CMS admin dashboard
│   │   ├── posts/
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── scripts/
│   │   └── cms.ts         # Script that configures the CMS admin dashboard
│   └── styles/
└── package.json

This follows the same logic as a standard Astro project. The additional details are:

  • src/collections — This directory exports an array of collection configurations for use by the CMS. Each collection object contains the component used to render a collection item, its CSS, and a configuration object for Netlify CMS, telling it which fields it needs to edit it.

  • src/components/index.ts — This file similarly exposes components that can be included in Markdown files. That means they also include configuration for what kind of inputs they need.

  • src/pages/admin/index.astro — This page serves the admin dashboard for Netlify CMS.

  • src/scripts/cms.ts — This script is imported by the /admin page and configures the CMS dynamically based on the components and collections above.

Adding a new collection

See src/collections/posts/index.tsx for an example.

  1. Create a directory with the name of your collection under src/collections.

  2. Write a component to render an item in the collection.

  3. Export the component, its CSS (if any), and a collection object configuring it for Netlify CMS.

  4. Add your collection to the export in src/collections/index.ts.

Adding a new editor component

See src/components/Author.tsx for an example.

  1. Create a component.

  2. Write a configuration object detailing the component’s inputs.

  3. Add it to the Components and CMSComponents exports in src/components/index.ts.