
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fit Stop

A fitness app that will guide users through a timed workout, giving the user a sequence of exercises from warm up to cool down. Users have the option to sign up and login to save their workout history.

Team Anonymous Pizza

  • Product Owner: Nick H.
  • Scrum Master: Jessica
  • Development Team Members: Joey, Vasanth

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing




Mongo, Express, React, Node.js


Installing Dependencies

npm install


npm start (initial compilation and server start)

npm run watch (recompile on change)

client/public/: css, images, and index.html

client/src/: components, sample data, and index.jsx

server: server files


Please do. Submit a pull request :)