Easy brute forcing to whatever you want, Its magic increasing values and direct.
- Clone
git clone https://github.com/jofpin/brutto.git
- Download the latest version
- Install with Python:
python setup.py install
# So you import the library
from brutto_easy import Brutto
- Includes all the letters (A - Z ) in case sensitive.
- All numbers are reflected in the process ( 0-9 )
- Also all the symbols and space.
- scope
- letters
- numbers
- symbols
- space
- increase
- direct
# call brutto
test = Brutto()
# Here I implement
for example in test.increase(letters=True, numbers=True, symbols=False, space=False, scope=4):
print example
# call brutto
bruteforce = Brutto()
for example in bruteforce.direct(4):
print example
So you add a custom value to increase letters. scope=(1-5)
# call brutto
test = Brutto()
for example in test.increase(letters=True, scope=5):
print example
With letters and numbers, and increased scope=(1-8 )
# call brutto
test = Brutto()
for example in test.increase(scope=8, letters=True, numbers=True, symbols=False):
print example
Copyright, 2015 by Jose Pino