Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js Basic Concepts and Examples

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Welcome to the "Node.js Basic" repository! 🚀

This repository is dedicated to helping you build a strong foundation in Node.js. It contains a collection of simple examples and explanations to help beginners and experienced developers understand essential Node.js concepts.

Table of Contents


"Node.js Basic" is designed to guide you through fundamental concepts of Node.js. Whether you're new to Node.js or looking to solidify your understanding, you'll find a range of topics and examples to help you build a strong base.

Getting Started

To start exploring, navigate to the relevant topic's file. Each topic includes concise explanations and practical examples that cover the basics.

Topics Covered

Here's a glimpse of the topics you'll find in this repository:

  • JWT Run: A guide to using JSON Web Tokens for authentication.
  • BodyParser Understanding: An exploration of parsing request bodies.
  • Express Server: Building a basic Express server.
  • Config.js: Understanding configuration management.
  • HTTP Server: Creating an HTTP server with Node.js.
  • Joi.js: Working with validation using the Joi library.
  • URL.js: Exploring URL manipulation in Node.js.
  • UUID.js: Using UUIDs for unique identifiers.

Stay tuned for more topics to be added in the future!

How to Contribute

Contributions are highly encouraged! If you'd like to contribute new topics, explanations, or improvements, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your contribution:

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature

Contact If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.

Let's explore the world of Node.js together! 🌟

My-Email:- jogikrunal9477@gmail.com