
Run npm pack and convert the output to a .zip file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This package creates a .zip file containing your package and its dependencies, including transitive dependencies.

The code was forked from node-pack-zip which did not support transitive dependencies (see issue#2).

It was mainly designed to help deploy nodejs packages in AWS lambdas.

The .zip file will contain by default

  • All files not in node_modules
  • All files in node_modules that are part of a package listed in the dependencies , bundledDependencies fields of your package.json and all their transitives dependencies or _phantomChildren.


npm install --save-dev repack-zip


my-lambda is an npm package I want to run as an AWS Lambda Function.

Install repack-zip locally in my-lambda

npm install --save-dev repack-zip

Install any runtime dependencies of my-lambda.

npm install

Modify my-lambda/package.json:

"scripts": {
    "build-aws-lambda": "repack-zip"

Create the .zip file containing my-lambda and all its dependencies, ready to be uploaded to AWS Lambda

npm run build-aws-lambda


You can customize included and excluded glob patterns using a repackZipConfig section in your package.json


"repackZipConfig": {
  "includes": [ ...list of include glob patterns...],
  "excludes": [ ...list of exclude glob patterns...]

Release notes

0.2.8 - Added support for bundledDependencies.

0.2.7 - Added repackZipConfig support with excludes and includes.

0.2.6 - Do not stop on missing package.json in dependency and support scoped modules. (contributions from Enalmada and g00dnatur3).

0.2.5 - Added support for root module _phantomChildren dependencies (contribution from jasonfagan).

0.2.4 - Initial published release