eventU is a platform that allows university entities (clubs, fraternities, etc.) to efficiently advertise their events to students. Students and other university entities select a specific university along with their account type (Student or Club) during registration. These users can only view or create events for that specific university.
University entities are able to:
- Create a profile page
- Create events or modify their events
- See the number of students who favorited their events
Students are able to:
- Register and Log in via their school email
- View profile pages to receive more information about different university entities
- View events that are happening in a timeline or a calendar format
- Favorite events they are interested in so that they can get a reminder when the event starts
Installation Instructions:
- On Mobile (Requires Android API level 24-26)
- Go to to https://github.com/JGrogan1/eventU/
- Click on Desktop Version all the way at the bottom of screen
- Navigate to the Release tab
- Click on the eventU.apk file
- Install the app NOTE: If you can’t download & install app, you might need to turn off Unknown sources which is under Settings > Security on most Android phones
- Open the app, it should be called eventU with a black E on a blue background
- On Desktop
- Navigate to https://github.com/JGrogan1/eventU/releases
- Click on the eventU.apk file
- Put file into phone using a USB or via cloud storage
- Install the app NOTE: If you can’t download & install app, you might need to turn off Unknown sources which is under Settings > Security on most Android phones
- Open the app, it should be called eventU with a black E on a blue background