This example codebase serves as an introduction to the Utilihive Flow Developer SDK while demonstrating common use cases and best practices. Developers new to writing integration flows should clone this repository and refer to the official Utilihive documentation for additional help.
The example project includes a series of working sample flows that demonstrate features like creating REST endpoints, handing payloads off to other flows, and mapping JSON compliant data.
These flow specifications can be found in the main/kotlin/flowexamples directory and are numbered e01
, e02
, etc.
Each sample flow also has a corresponding unit test in the test/kotlin/flowexamples directory. It is important to test flows during the development process, which is why the SDK includes a robust testing framework and local test server to deploy flows on.
For a more detailed walkthrough of the example flows and test features, check out the Getting Started section of the Utilihive documentation.
The Connect SDK is a Maven dependency of the example project and requires Java 17. You also need to add the software access credentials from your Utilihive license to the Maven settings to access the SDK.
Create or edit the file located at $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
on your computer and add the following <server>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<username>YOUR USERNAME</username>
<password>YOUR PASSWORD</password>
The flows and tests are written in Kotlin and need the IntelliJ IDEA installed to run them.
For more information on setting up your workspace, check out the Installing the Tools section of the Utilihive documentation.