
lightweight API to answer front-door using twilio, triggered by IFTTT

Primary LanguagePython

Automatic door-answering machine


This project automatically opens the main entrance to the door in my apartment building whenever I am at home. The guests call a number connected to Twilio. Twilio then connects to the /answer API which depending on if is_home() == True automatically responds with the required signal to open the door or not. I use IFTTT to trigger the server into a state of me being home or not. There is also a lightweight UI to toggle the status indepenently of my location.

It is built to easily deploy as a heroku app.

Persistant storage is achieved throught the status.txt file.



To route incomming calls to this lightweight server and respond to the caller


You need to set up your own service and connect two actions ("activate" & "deactivate") to your service. Once that is done you can use the IFTTT app with a location service to toggle the servers is_home state based on your cellphones location.

