
For the adventurous who don't own a Mac, this is a recipe to cross-compile to IOS 3. (Note that I no longer use an iPhone, so this is old frozen material)

Primary LanguageShell

For the adventurous who don't own a Mac, this is a recipe to cross-compile to IOS 3.
(Note that I no longer use an iPhone, so this is old frozen material)

To build on a 64-bit platform,
install the i386 uuid-dev and libssl-dev .deb with: dpkg --force-architecture -i xxx.deb
and once the toolchain is built, fix the system by replacing them back with 64-bit ones with: aptitude install uuid-dev libssl-dev

	iphonedevonlinux http://iphonedevonlinux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
	iphonedevonlinux-apps-source http://iphonedevonlinux-apps-source.googlecode.com/svn/trunk