#100DaysOfCode Challenge


Day 3: April 10, 2020 - Friday

d3: Progress

Minimal coding this Good Friday.

  • Worked on a logo and visual ideas for a new personal website
  • Added a bpm-counter UMD build for usage with the <script> tag

Inkscape screenshot

d3: Links

Day 2: April 9, 2020 - Thursday

d2: Progress

  • Spend a bit more time configuring and researching automated semantic releases
  • Added a new feature/check to bpm-counter. Verified the auto generated changelog works
  • Improved bpm-counter docs

d2: Thoughts

d2: Links

Day 1: April 8, 2020 - Wednesday

d1: Progress

d1: Thoughts

  • Some benefits of automated semantic-releases:
    • Forces you to treat master as if it may only contain deployable code
    • Takes the guesswork out of versioning
    • Sets up your repo for easy contributing and use in the real world
  • It never ceases to amaze me how much tooling and infrastructure is available for open source software

d1: Links