CLIRC - Command Line Interface Radio Control
A super-basic command-line wrapper for sui77's RCSwitch library, intended for Raspberry Pi (using the wiringPi library as backend for RCSwitch).
The purpose (for now) is to provide a CLI tool that exposes all the send methods of the RCSwitch library in a way that can easily be called in shell scripts.
Install wiringPi if you haven't already. Instructions on the official web page:
Now clone repository and run make:
$ make
Put the output binary in your path if you'd like.
If you'd like to tweak the default RCSwitch parameters, they can be set in build time by prepending make with environment variables using their respective name definitions, e.g. DEFAULT_SENDPIN=12
To run the application you need either to be root (e.g. sudo) or be a member of the gpio group. To become a member of the gpio group, do the following:
$ sudo usermod -a -G gpio <your username>
Then you should be able to run the application:
$ ./clirc --help
Example: ./clirc selector 1 3 on
Example: ./clirc dip 01010 10100 on
Example: ./clirc intertechno a 2 3 on
Example: ./clirc raw 000000000000000101010100
RCSwitch parameters can also be set in runtime using environment variables, example:
$ CLIRC_SENDPIN=12 ./clirc selector 1 3 on
Future work:
- Write a more beginner-friendly guide on how to setup the entire thing, including hardware.
- The RCSwitch library is great, see
- The wiringPi library is great, see