An interactive Tango client.
ITango is a PyTango CLI based on IPython. It is designed to be used as an IPython profile.
It is available since PyTango 7.1.2 and has been moved to a separate project since PyTango 9.2.0.
ITango is compatible with python 2 and 3. It requires:
For IPython < 1.0 compatibilty, use ITango 0.1.1.
ITango is available on PyPI:
$ pip install itango
ITango can be started using the itango
$ itango # Or itango3 if using python 3
or the tango
$ ipython --profile=tango
ITango works like a normal python console, but it provides a nice set of features from IPython:
- proper (bash-like) command completion
- automatic expansion of python variables, functions, types
- command history (with up/down arrow keys, %hist command)
- help system ( object? syntax, help(object))
- persistently store your favorite variables
- color modes
For a complete list checkout the IPython web page.
It also adds set of PyTango specific features:
- automatic import of Tango objects
- device and attribute name completion
- list tango devices, classes, servers
- customized tango error message
- database utilities
Check out the documentation for more informations.