- AlbinTheander
- antoinereytfreelance
- AshwinJayBay Area, California
- bin01
- cjheinzeIKEA
- clojj
- cooligc@WalmartLabs
- DaveOfMalmo
- fr-miguel
- FredrikFolkessonLund
- Haardt@starface @conpinion
- Hc747Atlassian
- ian-barry
- JanGrootNL
- johnbanq
- lburgazzoliRed Hat
- lutzh@upvestco
- ma82
- maciejwalkowiakBerlin, Germany
- mahmoudimusVery Good Security
- MateuszNaKodachReady to work with DDD / CQRS / Event Sourcing / Kotlin / Java / Ruby / Node.js / .NET
- murdos@sully-group
- myhauVirtusLab
- noctariusDev Avocado
- nopeno
- olleSwede in Germany
- rdehuyssRosoco BVBA
- rm3lRed Hat
- s4keNeuroForge
- sinanyumak
- slashdotdashBinary Consulting
- tamlandBergen, Norway
- thomasdarimont@Identity Tailor GmbH
- walery@qubitoss
- xRomZakMERA-NN