
DISCLAIMER: I know the code can be optimized (duplicate code etcetera). However I use it for demo purposes and tried to make the code as easy to understand as possible thereby sacrificing maintainability.

This project reads data from various sensors:

  • BME 280
  • Raspberry Pi temperature sensor
  • Xiaomi Flora bluetooth sensor
  • Xiaomi Hygrothermograph bluetooth sensor

The data is then send to an InfluxDB database in three ways:

  • InfluxDB REST api
  • InfluxDB Java client
  • InfluxDB Spring Template

The data can be shown on a Chronograf or Grafana dashboard.

Don't forget to configure the *.properties files with your own information such as IP addresses and bluetooth addresses.

Setup the Raspberry Pi


  • Download Raspbian Lite from (tested with Stretch)
  • Install Raspbian on a Micro SD card
  • Enable SSH by placing a file called 'ssh' without extension on the boot (smaller) partition of the SD card

Configure WIFI

  • *** If you don't configure WIFI then you need to change the code as it looks for an IP address from the wlan0 interface ***
  • Connect the Raspberry Pi with a LAN cable
  • Add the WIFI router credentials to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
        psk="[WPA password]"

Enabling I2C for BME 280

  • Enable the I2C interface
    • Execute the command sudo raspi-config
    • Select Interfacing options
    • Enable the I2C interface
    • Select Finish

Install the necessary software

  • Copy the to the Raspberry Pi
  • Make the script executable
    chmod +x
  • Execute the script:
  • After a logout and login you can use docker without sudo and Maven is on the PATH
  • If you don't want to logout, execute the following commands to achieve the same result:
    source /etc/profile
    newgrp docker

Start Docker containers with InfluxDB, Chronograf and Grafana

  • Started by default, so only needed if something goes wrong.
  • Open directory: SensorsToInfluxDB/DockerRaspberryPi
  • Start the Docker containers:
    docker-compose up
  • Start the Docker containers detached in the background:
    docker-compose up -d

Run the application

  • *Don't forget to configure the .properties files with your own information such as IP addresses and bluetooth addresses.
  • Open directory: SensorsToInfluxDB
  • Create a JAR file
    mvn package
  • Open directory: target
    • Run the application on the Raspberry Pi
      java -jar *.jar
    • Run the application on the Raspberry Pi in the background so you can close the shell
      nohup java -jar *.jar > log.txt 2>&1 &


Some more information, not directly needed to work with the example.

Connect to the database

  • Connect to the InfluxDB container
     sudo docker exec -it influxdb /usr/bin/influx
  • Create a database:
  • Show the available databases
  • Select which database you want to use
    USE mydb
  • Insert some test values in the database
    INSERT test,tag1=testtag value=42
    INSERT test,tag1=testtag value=21
    INSERT test,tag1=testtag value=84
  • Show the content of the database
    SELECT * FROM test
  • Type quit to exit from the InfluxDB container