
Azure Bastion Demo

Primary LanguageHCL


Azure Bastion Demo

Before you start

You need a fairly new az cli, and additionally you need to run this:

az extension add --name ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

vmid=$(az vm show -n vm-ubuntu -g bastion-demo --query id -o tsv)

Connect using az cli through Bastion using ssh key

az network bastion ssh --name "bastion" --resource-group "bastion-demo" --target-resource-id $vmid --auth-type ssh-key --username adminuser --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Connect using az cli through Bastion using aad

Make sure you have the role assignment for "Virtual Machine Administrator Login" on the VM you are connecting to.

az network bastion ssh --name "bastion" --resource-group "bastion-demo" --target-resource-id $vmid --auth-type aad --username adminuser

Tunnel through Bastion

az network bastion tunnel --name "bastion" --resource-group "bastion-demo" --target-resource-id $vmid --resource-port 22 --port 1337

ssh adminuser@localhost -p 1337

scp files:

Upload: scp -P 1337 test.json adminuser@
Download: scp -P 1337 adminuser@ test.json