automl sandbox
Created during a 2-day Hackathon mainly for the purpose of learning more about currently available Auto ML techniques. It also serves as a proof of concept of how easily Auto ML libraries like autosklearn and autokeras (etc.) can be exposed through a web interface, something which can benefit everyone, from data scientists and analysts, to those with less knowledge about machine learning but with more domain knowledge.
Install backend
# auto-sklearn failed for me on python=3.10 so ensure you have python=3.9
conda create -n "automl39" python=3.9
conda activate automl39
Option A. Install automatically from our requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Or, if that doesn't work, use:
pip install -r requirements_all.txt
Option B. Install "manually"
# Install auto-sklearn dependencies from a remote requirements file
curl | xargs -n 1 -L 1 pip install
# Finally install auto-sklearn
pip install auto-sklearn
Install client (for interacting with the backend)
Assuming you have node
and npm
cd ./src/web
npm i
Run it
# Terminal tab 1
cd ./src/web
npm run start:backend
# Terminal tab 1
cd ./src/web
npm run start:client