Extension of the original WFS class developed within the azgs-packaged. This is a branch of the entire package but only the WFS layer is modified.
- Purpose: A WFS-layer that works with all geometry types and WFS vendors. Also additional functionality, such as smart adding of features – not adding features that already exists (requires specifying a uniqueKey in options).
- Usage Example:
var geojsonWfsLayer = new L.GeoJSON.WFS("http://geoserver.smap.se/geoserver/wfs", {
attribution: "Malmö stads WFS", // Copyright etc.
inputCrs: "EPSG:3008", // proj used in the request and for handling the response (for converting to WGS84). If not specified, uses EPSG:4326 (WGS84)
reverseAxis: false, // true => service returns coords as [northing, easting]
reverseAxisBbox: false, // true => if the bbox request coords should be as [northing, easting]
// uniqueKey.
// Value of this property must be unique (e.g. an ID). Required for creating a link to the map with one of the features selected
// If specified => only new features are added on load.
// If null => layer is always cleared and replaced with new features on load.
// Can also be given as two properties, e.g. "some_attribute,property2"
uniqueKey: null,
params: { // overrides default params
typeName: "malmows:STADSDEL_L", // required
version: "1.1.0",
maxFeatures: 10000,
format: "text/geojson",
outputFormat: "json"
style: {
weight: 6,
color: '#F00',
dashArray: '',
opacity: 0.1
selectStyle: {
weight: 5,
color: '#00FF00',
opacity: 1