
EL2425 Project - Modeling and Control of Research Concept Vehicle (RCV) at KTH

Primary LanguagePython


This is a repo for course project of EL2425 Automatic Control, Project Course at KTH.

The project basically includes two lines of work, namely the RCV simulator and the RCV test run. For the simulator work, we modified an open-source simulator car_demo to make it compatible with the RCV. You can find it here. For the RCV test run, we prepared two sets of configurations.


How to run

To connect to the RCV and perform control methods on it, following steps should be done:

  • git clone this repo and copy the two folders in /src to the src folder of your catkin workspace by
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/txzhao/Model-Control-RCV.git
$ cp -r Model-Control-RCV/src/rcv_joy_control Model-Control-RCV/src/rcv_common_msgs ./
  • download another two modules needed for communications into the same src folder. Note to access the second repo rcv_communication, you need to own a KTH Github account and generate a SSH key which is associated with this account.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/nmea_msgs.git
$ git clone git@gits-15.sys.kth.se:rcv/rcv_communication.git
  • build up packages and run rcv_communication:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ roslaunch rcv_communication_bringup default.launch
  • After the driver loads the dSpace model, press the "magic" button and the control button on the iPad, simply run the following command in a new terminal:
$ roslaunch rcv_joy_control pp_control_no_sim.launch


Future work