
A boiler plate for ASP.Net Core targeting Core CLR

Primary LanguageC#

Environment Setup

  • Install NetCore 2
  • Upgrade VisualStudio 2017
  • Install AWS CLI
  • Install NodeJs (8.. as of Jan 2018)
  • npm install -g gulp

Project Setup

  • Rename below files to have your project name

    • Solution file "NetCoreSample.sln" to <PROJECT_NAME>.sln
    • Folder "NetCoreSample.Service" to <PROJECT_NAME>.Service
    • Project file "NetCoreSample.Service.csproj" to <PROJECT_NAME>.Service.csproj
  • Perform content text replacement

    • Replace, with case sensitivity, "NetCoreSample" to <PROJECT_NAME>
    • Replace, with case sensitivity, "netcoresample" to <PROJECT_NAME_LOWER_CASE>
    • Replace all "<TO_FILL | DOMAIN_NAME>" occurances with your business/technical domain name, with lower case
    • Replace all "<TO_FILL | AWS_REGION>" occurances with your AWS region

AWS Setup

  • Create terraform IAM user, "<TO_FILL | DOMAIN_NAME>-terraform" and attach admin right

  • Setup a S3 bucket to hold remote states for Terraform. Name it "<TO_FILL | DOMAIN_NAME>-terraform-bucket"

  • Register a local AWS profile for terraform, via AWS CLI

    • "aws configure --profile <TO_FILL | DOMAIN_NAME>-terraform"

Infrastructure Setup

  • npm install
  • Deploy shared (aka: non-environment specific) infrastructure via Terraform
    • gulp terraform:shared:apply
  • Go to AWS console, and copy the resultant ECR URI into the gulp file
    • Location is marked with "<TO_FILL | ECR_URI>"

Your First Docker

  • gulp docker:push to compile, preflight the project and build and push the docker image to ECR

Nest Steps

  • Implement/adopt a scaffolding/templating solution to assist the initialization of a project based on this boilerplate.