
Java Swing GUI and MIDI implementations of a music editor with MVC design model created in Object-Oriented Design.

Primary LanguageJava


Java Swing GUI and MIDI implementations of a music editor with MVC design model created in Object-Oriented Design.


To add a note, click the mouse at the desired pitch and position, dragging until you reach the duration you want. To delete a note, click the note head (black square) and then press the backspace key. Press the space bar to play and pause the music. Use the arrow keys to scroll. Press "Home" to visually return to the beginning of a piece and "End" to jump to the end. To add a repeat, click the desired start of a repeat above the staff line. A prompt will ask how many endings you wish to have, type 0 to cancel, 1 for a regular repeat, or >1 for a multi-end repeat. This will lead to more queries about where those repeats should start.


IMusicModel is the overarching interface for the MusicModel. It contains the methods implemented by MusicModel.

MusicModel contains a List of Melodies (see below) representing a stream of music, an integer representing the beat of the music, and a double volume multiplier.

A Melody represents, in essence, a single stream of music. It is made up of a List of beats and a dynamic.

An ASound represents a type of Sound that can exist. It is one of class Note, Rest, and Chord. It has a duration represented by a Fraction, and an integer volume, both protected access.

A Note is a standard sound. It also has a Pitch and an integer octave.

A Rest is a standard silence.

A Chord has a list of Notes. Every Note's duration is set to the Chord's duration. Chords all play at the same time.

A Pitch is an enum representing one of the possible musical pitches. It has a String name, String sharpName, String flatName, and integer value.

A Repeat is a repetition in music that extends AFlag.

AFlag is an abstract class that implements IFlag. It has a HashMap of startBeats and a HashMap of endPosiitions, as well as keeping track of number of repetitions and the skip point.

IFlag is an interface that represents a signal to take action at that part of the musical piece.

MusicModel also has a private class ActiveSound, which wraps a Note with a double representing how long it has left to be active. This allows for methods to determine how long Notes have to play without altering the Notes' durations.


IMusicView is the overarching interface for all views. Implementations of this interface take the form of text, midi music, and a GUI.

A ViewFactory creates the following implementations of IMusicView based on given Strings:

TextView displays a composition using the console. The columns indicate pitch and octave while the rows are beat numbers. X's are placed at a Note's starting point and |'s are shown below for the length of the note's duration.

MidiViewImpl has fields of Synthesizer and Receiver. To play the notes, the class sends start and stop MidiMessages, making sure to place notes on their appropriate channel and with the correct instrument.

GuiViewFrame displays a pop-up musical staff takes a NoteDisplayPanel, our customized JPanel, to display the graphics.

A NoteDisplayPanel is specialized for the GuiViewFrame, creating a grid with the columns as beat numbers and the rows as pitch and octave. Notes are black at their starting point and have varying colors based on their instrument for the duration.

ConcreteGuiViewPanel is a dummy view that was given to us and may be helpful in the future.

MultiViewImpl is a view that has both a MidiViewImpl and a GuiViewFrame. It selectively calls the relevant methods from one or both of its MidiViewImpl and GuiViewFrame in its interface methods.


IMusicController is the controller interface. It only has one methods, goController(go was too short a name) to start the program.

MusicController implements IMusicController and has the fields of a model and a view. It then changes the model and displays the view, acting as an intermediary. It also creates an instance of a KeyHandler and has a MouseHandler, both of which help it process events. It keeps information related to certain mouse events in order to run its programs.

KeyHandler has three maps from Integer to a Runnable representing what will happen on key presses, clicks, and releases respectively.

MouseHandler takes three Runnables.


MusicReader interprets a file and parses it so it can be read and played.

A CompositionBuilder is a generic builder that builds a model.