Deep Reinforcement Learning for Driving in Dense Traffic

An actor-critic based deep reinforcement learning solution for autonomous driving on roads with dense traffic.

D. M. Saxena, A. N. Sarveani, S. Bae, K. Fujimura, and M. Likhachev, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Driving in Dense Traffic, in preparation.


  • Julia 1.1.1
  • Python 3.5+
  • PyTorch 1.1.0
  • TensorFlow CPU for TensorBoard logging



  • Automotive Driving Models
  • AutoViz
  • Reel, ] add Reel
  • Distributions, ] add Distributions
  • Parameters, ] add Parameters
  • Dierckx, ] add Dierckx
  • ZMQ, ] add ZMQ
  • JSON, ] add JSON
  • RLInterface
  • ArgParse, ] add ArgParse
  • Other Julia modules: Print, DelimitedFiles, Statistics, Random, LinearAlgebra

src/behaviors/intelligent_driver_model.jl needs to be edited in AutomotiveDrivingModels.jl. In order to do this, first checkout the package in development mode by executing ] dev AutomotiveDrivingModels. Then make the following edits,

@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ around the non-errorable IDM output.
     a_max::Float64 = 3.0 # maximum acceleration ability [m/s²]
     d_cmf::Float64 = 2.0 # comfortable deceleration [m/s²] (positive)
     d_max::Float64 = 9.0 # maximum deceleration [m/s²] (positive)
+    ΔT::Float64 = 0.2 # simulation timestep
 get_name(::IntelligentDriverModel) = "IDM"
 function set_desired_speed!(model::IntelligentDriverModel, v_des::Float64)
@@ -64,6 +66,10 @@ function track_longitudinal!(model::IntelligentDriverModel, v_ego::Float64, v_ot

     model.a = clamp(model.a, -model.d_max, model.a_max)

+    if v_ego + model.ΔT * model.a < 0
+        model.a = max(-model.d_max, -v_ego/model.ΔT)
+    end
     return model
 function Base.rand(model::IntelligentDriverModel)


Project structure

  • python: contains all Python code
    • algs/: training scripts for PPO and DDPG (out-of-date)
    • envs/: Python wrappers around Julia environments
    • external/: files from the PyTorch baselines repository by @ikostrikov
    • models/: out-of-date Actor-Critic implementation for DDPG
    • structs/: replay memory for DDPG (out-of-date)
    • tests/: scripts to generate results (numbers and videos both), along with screen files for experiments
    • utils/: some DDPG utilities (out-of-date) and TensorBoard logger
  • julia: contains all Julia code
    • scripts/zmq_server.jl: launches an instance of the simulator in Julia ready for TCP/IP communication
    • test/mpc.jl: includes a test script for the MPCDriver
    • src/: all code that interacts with the Julia simulator and Python pipeline
      • agent/: egovehicle model with bicycle kinematics
      • behaviours/: BafflingDriver (relevant files have been copied) and MPCDriver models
      • envs/: Julia environment structure and helper functions
      • mpc/: backbone and helpers for the MPCDriver model



A training session can be launched by following the example below. The usage of different parameters can be understood in this file

python \
                            --env-name HighwayTraffic-v1 \
                            --algo ppo \
                            --use-gae \
                            --lr 2.5e-4 \
                            --use-linear-lr-decay \
                            --clip-param 0.1 \
                            --value-loss-coef 0.5 \
                            --num-processes 8 \
                            --num-steps 128 \
                            --num-mini-batch 4 \
                            --log \
                            --log-interval 10 \
                            --entropy-coef 0.01 \
                            --cars 60 \
                            --base-port 9300 \
                            --length 1000.0 \
                            --lanes 2 \
                            --change \
                            --beta-dist \
                            --occupancy \
                            --gamma 0.995 \
                            --seed 794 \
                            --hri \


python \
                    --env HighwayTraffic-v1 \
                    --algo ppo \
                    --lr 2.5e-4 \
                    --num-processes 1 \
                    --cars 60 \
                    --base-port 9999 \
                    --length 1000.0 \
                    --lanes 2 \
                    --change \
                    --beta-dist \
                    --occupancy \
                    --seed 794 \
                    --hri \
                    --curriculum \
                    --eval-episodes 10 \
                    --video \
                    --write-data && kill -9 `pgrep -f "port 9999"


Developed by Dhruv Mauria Saxena as part of his internship at Honda Research Institute, USA.


  • Supervisor: Alireza Nakhaei Sarvedani