
A bundle that provides an interface to submit Gearman jobs

Primary LanguagePHP


A bundle that provides an interface to submit Gearman jobs

Build Status Scrutinizer Quality Score


This bundle provides a service to submit Gearman jobs to. The jobs are objects that need to implement the GearmmanJobInterface.


Of course, you need to have the Gearman PECL Extension installed. Simply run assuming you have installed composer.phar or composer binary (or add to your composer.json and run composer install:

$ composer require hautelook/gearman-bundle

You can follow dev-master, or use a more stable tag (recommended for various reasons). On the Github repository, or on Packagist, you can always find the latest tag.

Now add the Bundle to your Kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Hautelook\GearmanBundle\HautelookGearmanBundle(),
        // ...


To configure the bundle, edit your config.yml, or config_{environment}.yml:

# Hautelook Gearman Bundle
            host: localhost
            port: 1234
            host: localhost
            port: 4567



To start submitting a job, first create a class that represents the job:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\GearmanJob;

use Hautelook\GearmanBundle\GearmanJobInterface;

class StringReverse implements GearmanJobInterface
    private $string;

    public function setString($string)
        $this->string = $string;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getWorkload()
        return array('str' => $this->string);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getFunctionName()
        return 'string_reverse';

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function setWorkload(array $workload)
        if (isset($workload['str'])) {
            $this->string = $str;

Then, in order to submit a job, you can do something like:

$job = new Acme\DemoBundle\GearmanJob\StringReverse();
$job->setString('string to reverse');
$jobStatus = $this->get('hautelook_gearman.service.gearman')->addJob($job);
if (!$jobStatus->isSuccessful()) {
    $logger->err("Gearman Job " . $jobStatus->getFunctionName() . " failed with " . $jobStatus->getReturnCode());

Event Listener

The bundle will dispatch an event of type gearman.bind.workload right before binding the workload to the job. You can add a listener, to add additional information to the workload, do logging, etc.

Example Listener


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener;

use Hautelook\GearmanBundle\Event\BindWorkloadDataEvent;

class GearmanListener
    public function onBindWorkload(BindWorkloadDataEvent $event)
        $job = $event->getJob();


    private function injectWorkloadEnvironment($job)
        // Do something

Define the service, and tag it as a listener:

<service id="acme.gearman.listener" class="Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener\GearmanListener">
    <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="gearman.bind.workload" method="onBindWorkload" />

Gearman Workers

You can use a command to run a single gearman worker. For example:

$ app/console hautelook:gearman:run job_name Fully\\Qualified\\NameSpace\\To\\Your\\WorkerClass functionToCall

This will then invoke the functionToCall on an instantiated WorkerClass after having picked up a job from the job_name queue. Your worker class should look like:


namespace Fully\\Qualified\\NameSpace\\To\\Your;

class WorkerClass
    public function functionToCall(\GearmanJob $job)
        // Do the work here

Accessing the container from the worker

If your worker needs access to the Symfony DI container, you can simply make your worker class implement Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface, and the container will be set for you.

Gearman Monitor Command

The bundle provides a console command that you can run like this:

$ app/console hautelook:gearman:status
Status for Server server1

solr_update_item_inventory Jobs: 0 Workers: 0 / 0
solr_update_item_popularity Jobs: 0 Workers: 0 / 0
solr_update_item Jobs: 4261 Workers: 1 / 1

Gearman Monitor

The bundle provides a Liip compatible monitor. You can enable it by adding the following to the configuration:

# Hautelook Gearman Bundle
            queue_size: 10,     # Maximum number of jobs in the queue
            workers: 1          # Minimum number of workers

Queue size violations result in a WARNING status, whereas worker size violations result in a CRITICAL status.

To Do & Future plans

  • Ability to define the priority and background/foreground via the job
  • Add Gearman Exceptions back in
  • Add service alias "gearman"