
A Express.js-based webservice to get public Facebook events by location

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Search Facebook events by location (as a service)

A Express.js-based webservice to get public Facebook events by location. It can be used as a starting point for an location-based app for example.

As Facebook has discontinued the FQL query API for all apps created after 2014-04-30, it has gotten much more complicated to get public Facebook events by passing a location.

This implementation uses regular Facebook Graph API calls in a three-step approach to get the events:

  1. Search for places in the radius of the passed coordinate and distance (/search?type=place&q=*&center={coordinate}&distance={distance})
  2. Use the places to query for their events in parallel (/?ids={id1},{id2},{id3},...)
  3. Unify, filter and sort the results from the parallel calls and return them to the client

###Known limitations

  • The Graph API has some "instabilities" with search results. It's possible that the amount of results returned can vary between calls within seconds
  • Undocumented usage of the q parameter (q=* produced more results than q= or just omitting the q parameter)
  • The /search endpoint "magically" limits the number of results, independent from the distance used (larger distance doesn't guarantee more results)
  • Rate limiting will apply, but I experienced no call blocks within a reasonable amount of service requests. Be aware that the way this application works, there are potentially hundreds of (counted) Graph API calls per request to /events.


As NPM package

The application can be installed via

npm install facebook-events-by-location

in the root directory, and either started with

npm start or node app.js.


To clone the repository, use

git clone https://github.com/tobilg/facebook-events-by-location.git

and run cd facebook-events-by-location && npm i && npm start to install the dependencies and run the web service.

As Docker microservice

You can build the Docker image via docker build -t <yourTag> . locally if you like. Also, there's an official image (called tobilg/facebook-event-search) in the Docker hub.

The service can be launched via Docker like this:

docker run -d --name fb-event-search -p 3000:3000 tobilg/facebook-event-search

This would expose the app on port 3000 on the Docker host. If you want to specify another port for the app, you can use -e "APP_PORT=10000" together with --net="host" (be aware of the security implications of host networking).

##API The basic endpoint is /events, the port of the application can be set via environment variable.

###Query paramenters Mandatory parameters are the following:

  • lat: The latitude of the position/coordinate the events shall be returned for
  • lng: The longitude of the position/coordinate the events shall be returned for
  • distance: The distance in meters (it makes sense to use smaller distances, like max. 2500)
  • access_token: The App Access Token to be used for the requests to the Graph API

Non-mandatory parameters

  • sort: The results can be sorted by time, distance, venue or popularity. If omitted, the events will be returned in the order they were received from the Graph API

###Query results The response will be application/json and contain an events property containing the array of event objects, as well as a metadata property with some stats. See below for an example.

###Sample call

http://localhost:3000/events?lat=40.710803&lng=-73.964040&distance=1000&sort=venue&access_token=YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN (make sure you replace YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN with a real access token!)

###Sample output (shortened)

    "events": [
            "venueId": "460616340718401",
            "venueName": "Baby's All Right",
            "venueCoverPicture": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/s720x720/12265652_847575375355827_6601509754180711535_o.jpg",
            "venueProfilePicture": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hprofile-xft1/v/t1.0-1/p200x200/1480734_642185745894792_5820988503650852577_n.png?oh=fc70de542d587b32e7a8a9183ddb0560&oe=56E4082D",
            "venueLocation": {
                "city": "Brooklyn",
                "country": "United States",
                "latitude": 40.70998,
                "longitude": -73.9634705,
                "state": "NY",
                "street": "146 Broadway",
                "zip": "11211"
            "eventId": "1671296009750385",
            "eventName": "Baby's All Basel | Dec 2 - 6 | Baby's All Right Miami Pop Up",
            "eventCoverPicture": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12249784_1002625069800744_6143497234204516409_n.png?oh=6e5b3eaa2a369d819d160560173cdbea&oe=56E61E88",
            "eventProfilePicture": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-0/c120.0.200.200/p200x200/12249784_1002625069800744_6143497234204516409_n.png?oh=9bc7c7dcd65934ab74010a890d9ac070&oe=56F5E8D3",
            "eventDescription": "POPLIFE Presents:\n\nBABY'S ALL BASEL\n\nBrooklyn's Baby's All Right is touching down in Miami for a week full of live music & parties!\n\nGet involved in all the fun:\nhttp://epop.life/BabysMiami\n\n21+ \n\n#BabysMiami",
            "eventStarttime": "2015-12-02T17:00:00-0800",
            "eventDistance": "103",
            "eventTimeFromNow": 884065,
            "eventStats": {
                "attendingCount": 143,
                "declinedCount": 0,
                "maybeCount": 96,
                "noreplyCount": 1117
    "metadata": {
        "venues": 350,
        "venuesWithEvents": 7,
        "events": 23